nEw PiCs

May-June Pics

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mother's Day

Well I "celebrated" my first mothers day. It was a great day. Troy and Tyce made me breakfast and dinner not to mention got me a sewing machine!! I am so happy to start quilting again! Quick update on us...we are all doing good we were able to go up to Wyoming the first weekend in May long trip, but it was fun. We will be heading back up there for my best friends wedding on June 7. Tyce is good he is 11 weeks tomorrow. the time flies! At his 8 week check up he was 14.6 pounds and 25 inches long, and just keeps getting bigger everyday!! He is a good baby, he usually only cries if he is wants food or is tired. He is only getting up once a night, and is still up everyday at 7AM!!! As for Troy he is done with school for now and only has 18 credits left before he graduates. YAY!


Lorraine and Kelly said...

First of all, I am so happy to see another post. :) But second it was good to hear from you. It is so weird that I have a one year old! I feel the same way about feeling like we were just barely in the hospital. But she gets more and more fun each day. It's so much better as they grow up and their personalities come through and they can become your best friend. I want to see more pictures!

*~*~*Family Slideshow*~*~*